
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Google Latest Update - "Hummingbird" One of biggest serch algorithm changes in last three years

Google Hummingbird Algorithm and it's Impact on Online Industry

Hi Friends, we are aware about Google's algorithm changes and it's impact on online industry. Being into digital world we need to be updated with latest changes happening in industry and have to change our planning and strategy regularly accordingly, to ensure we are at top of search results leaving our competitors behind.

In last two years Google has introduced many algorithm changes (Panda and Penguin updates) to control spamming activities. So people working as SEO were required to bring lot of changes in strategy and planning of their campaigns.

Latest change in Google search Algorithm is "Hummingbird" -acclaimed to be the biggest change that Google has introduced in last three years. 

"Hummingbird Algorithm Change" is suppose to make core search better at answering long, complex and  verbal queries.

Hummingbird algorithm is the biggest change after year 2010  "Caffeine Algorithm Changes", introduced by Google. This new change has been introduced to make Google more smarter in delivering accurate and fast results for conversational queries. 

"In general, Hummingbird – Google says – is a new engine built on both existing and new parts, organized in a way to especially serve the search demands of today, rather than one created for the needs of 10 years ago, with the technologies back then," said Danny Sullivan of the search blog Search Engine Land.

This change is definitely going to help in conversational search (voice based search). New algorithm focuses more on "Knowledge Graph" . Google will try to relate your search with best possible and optimized result ( in terms of data availability, quality and relevance). 

This means Google will be focusing more on each word present in the query. Ensuring that essence of entire sentence/conversation is captured and results are delivered accordingly.

Keep tuned in for more updates......

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Facebook Marketing Strategy - Make the Impact

How to Get Success on Facebook : Tips for Facebook Marketing

Facebook is an unusual and unexpected platform form to reach out the wide number of audience present online throughout the world, but how many of us are actually aware about killing marketing strategies and tactics to get best out of that platform.

Small business or start-ups usually find it difficult to utilize this big platform to get quality traffic and increase online sales.

Here are some basic Facebook marketing tactics/strategies :

  1. A personal touch to page : Best success mantra on Facebook can be "Don't Just be a Brand or Logo, Be a friend to your customer". This basically implies that never try to sell or promote directly, but be a friend and tell the advantages of your products or services.


    As most of the bloggers or marketing experts says that you should imply 80 to 20 ratio of interaction with clients and your product promotion, this seems to be working in most of the cases.
  2.  Content: Content is king in online industry. So if you have quality and engaging content to attract your users,  consider your self half battle won. Also make your blog more interesting and engaging using videos, images, contests, polls etc.
  3. Always ask users for their thoughts : Make sure your engagement with your users is two way where both of you can have a discussion, it should never be a one way conversation.
4.  Always encourage audience to participate: Post content which encourage users to participate in  conversation. Users should be able to relate themselves with the content being posted on brand page. Best way to engage users and have a conversation can be direct response of queries with personal touch.

5. Track, Monitor and Response : Tracking, monitoring and responding with accurate information for individual user is very much important from user engagement and branding prospective. It is preety much important to response every query posted on your page.

Friends above are some of the basic but important tips to remember while creating a facebook page to market your brand, products or services.